The trouble in the world today is the majority of people tend to believe that their quality of life, health and wellness is subject to the maintenance of doctors and prescription medication.
Have pain?
Not feeling well?
Need better grades in school?
Need a bigger social network?
Need to increase your personal performance?
Losing interest (or ability to perform) in sex?
Or countless other ailments or conditions…
We have a drug for you
I have worked in counseling, coaching and consulting for the last forty years, adding alternative medicine and therapeutic modalities in the last twenty years. While I do not specialize in alternative medicine, I prefer to have these skills in my toolkit to better understand and serve my clientele.
My target audience includes primarily elite leadership on the leading edge of technology and thought. Although I have studied, met and commiserated with quantum physicists, quantum physics is not my area of expertise and I find it difficult to wrap my consciousness around these complex concepts.
Not being a doctor, I am grateful that it is not up to me to be able to understand the deeper functions that are at play inside the human body. My area of expertise leans more toward human performance and spirituality.
Then I became acquainted with the Syntropy Effect Optimizer (SEO) a personal research tool wielded by a man whom I ran into at a fair in Washington State. I observed the man from afar, watching him addressing people with various physical ailments. This individual would shake his device over the affected area, and the immediate response from the people was extremely enthusiastic including wild claims of instant healing.
No stranger to alternative medicine and treatment modals (including former master level trainer of NLP, Hypnosis and Reiki), I became highly interested in the man, who introduced himself as Rick Olson, the Quantum Pharmacist® and queried him about his invention and methodology.
It turns out (as I understood it) that his invention is based on a combination of well-known healing crystals, holistic health and quantum mechanics. Reducing it to it’s simplest form (I prefer rudimentary levels of understanding) the SEO device is a metal tin can containing his proprietary mixture of various crushed healing crystals, minerals and plant life that when shaken activates the contents as the elements crash into each other.
The integration of the quantum theory at play when activation takes place is somewhat of a mystery to me, and possibly even to the Quantum Pharmacist® (a former traditional pharmacist), who claimed that even he, himself is mystified by the uncanny results of the device that resulted from his own experimentation after being healed by magnetic therapy (which was counter intuitive to his traditional pharmaceutical training). Olson informed me that he was seeking out someone qualified to study his device to explain how it worked. I am clearly not the person to embark on such an endeavor.
I don’t understand much about microtubules or cytoskeleton function or that appear to be affected via the quantum communication taking place during activation of the composite materials or the downloading of quantum information from this quantum mechanical model of treatment and/or therapy.
As a holistic health coach and life coach trainer including issuing life coach certification, I do recommend that practitioners and leadership investigate the SEO device to see if it can be integrated into their practices with the same success that I have enjoyed.
I use the device as a focal point, focusing all the energy healing techniques including reiki healing, crystal healing and chakra balancing simultaneously to a particular point in the body. I cannot verify that this is the intention of the inventor, and it may not be in alignment with his approach to the device.
In my practice, I know this:
I no longer have to use a massage table, recliner, hypnosis or suggestive state to affect the health and/or well being of a client. Without initiating any healing touch, all I have to do is to shake the SEO over the affected area. The energy healing (I think) is administered throughout the subject’s body (regardless of the initial point of shaking), the results are almost instantaneous (within seconds or minutes) and it works every time.
This means that I can get back to work and focus on issues and tasks at hand without being derailed by mental or physiological conditions, as well as well as not having to take the time out for a separate therapeutic session.
Integrating the SEO into my practice has been hugely beneficial and I could see it becoming a valuable tool in energy medicine therapeutic sciences, like quantum healing,
shamanic healing and self healing whether you use (or believe in) reiki energy or any kind of energy healing at all, it appears to work regardless.
The Quantum Pharmacist® has a book in the works (which I am anxiously awaiting) that hopefully will help to explain how this device works and hopefully stories of other practitioners using this healing modal. I hope to see Olson in upcoming conferences, workshops and seminars.
I apologize to the inventor and author, if my experience is not in alignment with his science. I hope my experience will help others to consider using and/or funding research to determine what actually makes this device work, and that he is able to correct my inaccuracies where appropriate without too much effort.
In a recent blog post I announced my self appointed title as ‘Quantum Pharmacist®’. I have been observing effects and positive results that people report within 30-60 seconds. These impressive results defy medical and scientific explanation and plausibility. I believe there is an underlying process that accommodates these effects. I also propose that the microtubules that are present within the cells throughout the body are extremely sensitive and highly active in a place I call the ‘Syntropy Zone’ via the ‘Syntropy Effect’. Entropy is usually interpreted as a degree of disorder or randomness within a system. In the case of biological systems it is a lack of order and a decline into disorder. Disorder being intrinsic to life dispersing and declining as aging, tissue breakdown, disease and ultimately death. Syntropy is negative entropy or negentropy, and is a process that is a complementarity to entropy.
Nobel laureate physicist Erwin Schrodinger in his 1944 book ‘ What Is Life ?’ stimulated research in the field of Quantum Biology. He originally stated that life feeds on negative entropy which is also known as syntropy and later added that the source is free energy. The math and physics of such propositions is very complex. My mission is to simply gain some insight about the mystery of life and employ approaches that optimize health and wellness. Syntropy has been referred to as the ‘Law of Complementarity and Unity’. The first law of thermodynamics states that the total amount of energy always remains the same. So total energy can be represented as the sum of energy in entropy (dispersed and diverging energy), plus syntropy (concentrated and converging energy).
The number ONE (1) is used in the equation since the energy is a fixed amount. 1 = SYNTROPY + ENTROPY (‘ONE IS THE ‘ONLY EST’ NUMBER’) !!! The law of complementarity may regulate the interaction between the visible mechanical reality of entropy and the invisible quantum reality of syntropy. It is as though there is a continuous singularity of NOW.
“AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, SO SHALL IT ALWAYS BE. THAT IS THE RIDDLE” is a quote that I accept as truth that I often explore in meditation.
Philosopher Alan Watts said “Minerals are just a rudimentary form of consciousness whereas the other people are saying that consciousness is a complicated form of minerals.” In 1875 the physicist Ludwig Boltzman reasoned “The general struggle for existence of animate beings is not a struggle for raw materials- these for organisms are air, water and soil, all abundantly available- nor for energy which exists in plenty in any body in the form of heat, but a struggle for negative entropy (syntropy), which becomes available through the transition of energy from the hot sun to the cold earth.” I do not suggest that I can explain the complex physics of life. I leave that to the physicists and mathematicians.
What I do propose is that there are ways to research this transfer of energy that occurs in the microtubules and perhaps give further validation of aspects of the Orch OR theory of Dr. Hameroff and Roger Penrose. This theory is from the mid 1990’s and suggests that consciousness in the brain originates in processes ‘inside’ neurons rather than connections ‘between’ neurons. This is a quantum process called objective reduction that is orchestrated by molecular structures called microtubules. Much of the research is immersed in mathematics and philosophical speculation. Orch OR proposes that consciousness depends on biologically orchestrated coherent quantum processes in collections of microtubules within brain neurons that help regulate neuronal synaptic and membrane activity. This results in awareness. It also suggests that there is a connection between the brain’s biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe and that consciousness plays an intrinsic role in the universe.
For me to try to understand and implement these lofty concepts I have to make IT simple. I incorporate the concepts as basic geometries. I interpret the proto-conscious Biofield as a hologram of singularity that is the ever-present NOW. This can be God, Source, Existence or any of the terms that traditions or religions use to find comfort or explain the ‘big questions’ of LIFE. Love is the common denominator. LOVE MAKES THE WHIRLED GO ROUND. I interpret LOVE as ‘LOW-PHI’ and there is a constant download and upload through fractal dynamics where the Biofield feeds into and out of Itself through a grid pattern of 90 degree angles of straight lines that create interference torsion spirals that are bending to return back to Itself. There is constant bending and unbending of spirals and vortexes that are altered by detectors of perception and consciousness. YOU ! All energy moves to the place of least resistance. Love has no resistance and some equate it to an omnipresent holographic gravity that permeates existence and is drawing everything into IT. This correlates to the collapsing AND uncollapsing of waves in quantum physics. Essentially a grid of vertical and horizontal forces allow for the most efficient transfer of energy and information. This conforms to the basics of electro magnetic properties. The tension of going in and out of a toroid vortex compresses energy enough to create atoms, universes and biological structures. This process creates the spirals, orbits and rotations that build universes….and MICROTUBULES, to process this information in a transfer zone that I call the SYNTROPY ZONE. Instead of ‘rock-paper-scissors’, I interpret the dynamics as ‘hologram-points-lines-vortexes-lines-points-hologram’. There is a constant flow of creation and destruction as the Biofield of proto-consciousness retrieves unto Itself more data from self-replicated units of biological systems (LIFE). That is also why water is necessary for life. The water molecule has unique properties and shapes that allow for information and energy processing. This is the entropy-syntropy complementarity principle of UNITY that perpetuates the singularity. There is ONLY LOVE.
Sorry if I got a little carried away here. I’m not accurately explaining it, and this will surely ruffle the scientists. I am hoping that someone will come forward and present a more accurate explanation of consistent outcomes that defy present understanding. These are concepts that I did ‘thought experiments’ and meditations on that assisted me in creating my SEO inventions. My upcoming book ‘WOO 2 WOW When It’s Not Supposed To……WORKS ! will go into more detail about my wanderings.
To validate quantum coherence effects in a biological system is difficult. I recall a talk by Bill Nye (‘the science guy’) at the annual James Randi TAM conference in Las Vegas. This is a skeptic conference that I have attended for many years. He mentioned the handed down story of how bees are not supposed to be able to fly….yet, the bees are ‘doing fine’. It’s the scientist’s thinking and approach that needs some tweaking. Nye takes the position of a scientist: trust the evidence and question everything else.
I believe I have evidence that will advance the Orch OR theory. I have evidence that is not plausible in medical science. Yet, it is provable by simple instruments. I often hear the predictable placebo excuse. Cognitive dissonance and plausibility often guide research protocols that ignore evidence. I have worked with thousands of people over 20 years and from what is consistently reported and observed I believe there is a microtubule quantum effect. These effects can be consistently, easily and inexpensively demonstrated in 30-60 seconds. There are two main avenues that I have explored. I will summarize it here. More details will be in my upcoming book.
1). Reasoning that the body is basically minerals , there may be a mechanically based entropic process that can be ‘harvested’ and used to optimize microtubule function. I created a complex mixture of ingredients and crushed crystals that offer high levels of random information that the microtubules can resonate to and make appropriate electrostatic shifts to normalize tissue dynamics and function. I tried to keep the ‘mineral data’ in a realm that the body operates within, to help create resonance and availability. The ingredients are in a container that is held or shaken over the body. The area of compromised tissue is usually due to trauma, surgery, auto-immune problems or medications (cholesterol lowering statins especially). Shaking the device creates a piezoelectric effect from crystals colliding that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy and assists in transferring the information. Bone, DNA, various proteins and connective tissue also use piezoelectric processes. The effects created by this device defy science, but are provable. Microtubules can be researched far easier in connective tissue than in the brain. I believe the dynamics are similar. Tissue ‘consciousness’ being restored after the area was numb for 20-30 years may be duplicating similar processes that take place in the brain. But, it is easy to validate. People also usually report softening and a normalization of tissue dynamics as well, which is easily measured. What I find most interesting is that using the same method regardless of what the tissue or condition is, seems to activate the same process. This is where microtubules may be an underlying structure that accomodates the process.
START AT THE START. You usually check to see if a malfunctioning electronic device is plugged in before taking it apart. I believe the primary ‘plug-in’ of a biological system is coherent quantum information, and my invention helps optimize the download. I propose that most autoimmune problems and tissue repair is dependent upon quantum downloads that rely on electrostatic dynamics that enhance this communication process. Tissue that does not heal or autoimmune diseases where the body ‘SEEMS’ to be attacking itself may be a download process stuck in a ‘buffering’ process that never completes because of lack of data and/or enough of the correct sensitive electrical properties that allows the healing process to complete. Is a car stuck in the mud spinning its wheels attacking the earth? It has never made sense to me that ‘the body is attacking itself’. There is little attention given to the very subtle, perhaps quantum effects that the body relies upon to maintain life. I believe there simply is not enough quantum coherence to drive the biochemical reactions to completion, so autoimmune conditions may look like the body is attacking itself when it is simply stuck in a transition that never completes. Collagen and connective tissue go through maturation phases and transitions in the healing process. Offer the appropriate conditions and the transitions complete more efficiently. I have over 2000 videos of live demos where people consistently report results that defy science. The changes are so fast that I believe it is primarily a quantum effect. I call my invention the SEO- Syntropy Effect Optimizer. It is a ‘PRT’, PERSONAL RESEARCH TOOL FOR EXPERIMENTATION.
The microtubules are also significant in drug research and side effects. Cholesterol lowering statin drugs have a particular effect in causing microtubule damage resulting in serious toxicity that is usually overlooked. The microtubules are directly responsible for neuronal and synaptic growth, repair and plasticity. Lowering cholesterol with statins can have devastating effects on cognition and brain function. They are usually only associated with causing muscle and connective tissue damage. The SEO demonstrates consistent effects on statin users that non-users typically do not experience. Tissue that is compromised from potential microtubule damage seems to be much more sensitive to the SEO because it is so ‘hungry’ from being deprived of normal quantum downloads of frequency and information from microtubule damage and de-stabilization.
2). The second avenue is where the microtubules are accessed from the syntropy side. The world of Quantum Mind or ‘Quantum Woo’ as some might call it. I discovered I was accidentally creating an effect similar to the SEO indirectly with my mind. For many years I researched various effects that materials (copper, magnets, minerals…) had on the human body. Why do millions of people get positive results that are ignored? During this testing I would attempt to ‘remove’ my mind from having any intention or bias that could potentially alter the results. What I think may have been happening is that I immersed more completely in a ‘proto-consciousness’ quantum ‘biofield’. And, since I am entangled with the person in the live demo, a similar quantum access becomes ‘more’ accessible for their body. There were several slight shifts that I discovered I made while I worked with someone to actively ‘get myself out of the way’. Playing with this for several years presented me with opportunities to discover shifts I could make in my mind and body that easily alter tissue dynamics in another person’s body. The process I do may allow for an optimized ‘proto-consciousness’ Biofield immersion that is mutually engaged with a greater efficiency. I continue to research and try to understand and optimize the mind and physiology that creates this effect. I view this as a process from a quantum superposition that becomes information that is relevant for the microtubules processing the energy. I am not doing anything other than getting out of the way (No reiki or energy work etc…). The results are amazing and I am still in awe each time I do this. I have always done this for free. We all do this to different degrees and I believe this also has to do with the ‘placebo effect’. With regard to Orch OR, there may be several ways to easily measure effects of ‘spooky action at a distance’ as Einstein referred to it. I have hundreds of live demos of this process, and have used protocols that are beyond double blind, so the handy dismissive excuse of ‘placebo effect’ does not apply. I explore in more detail discoveries and observations of this effect and how to optimize it in my upcoming book.
Orch OR is a fascinating theory that holds some promise in understanding ‘how life happens’. Thus far, the only Orch OR application specifically designed to promote microtubule assembly that I am aware of is TUS- Transcranial ultrasound for brain imbalances. This attempts to enhance mental states using non-invasive ultrasound on the brain by using specific frequencies. Evidence suggests that mental states may depend to some extent on vibrations. I have created a SEO Sound CD using the ingredients of the SEO device that may be played on-site or remotely over the phone, Skype or internet. I created the CD to offer high levels of randomness and frequencies that the body can resonate with and self correct. An orchestra is a full spectrum of instruments as frequencies, and the microtubule structure has ‘more choices’ to resonate to. I would agree that single frequencies may help ‘jump-start’ and activate a process, but if used in excess could have negative effects by altering other dynamics. The microtubules ‘orchestrate’ a cascading download of multiple frequencies and harmonics.
I have several ways to help expand the possibilities and application of this theory. I have posted some videos of live demos. I have heard enough from ‘experts’ labeling it ‘placebo’, without examining the evidence. I call it the ‘syntropy effect’, a quantum consequence that takes place in the sweet spot of the placebo effect which is the SYNTROPY ZONE. The syntropy effect can be optimized from either the mechanical or the quantum ‘side’ and objective changes can measured. My mission is to offer simple ways that are safe, available and inexpensive to optimize health and wellness. These tools are only for personal research.
Below are short videos that show unique processes resulting in unique outcomes. These are uncut and ‘unprofessional’. I ask you to focus on what just happened. Other short videos on my website and YouTube channel explore this same process on a large variety of conditions. The outcomes can be easy to dismiss, but are easily verified. My goal is to understand more and share results that science cannot explain. Objective tests using simple devices have been used to verify changes in tissue dynamics where there had been years of permanent numbness and hardness from trauma or surgery. Recent tattoos having pain and sensitivity show immediate changes and are easy to evaluate. People also report significant changes in neuropathy with the SEO. Lung function tests using a spirometer easily shows changes in breathing in lung conditions or smokers. Everything reported here is for research purposes only and there are no claims made. I invite any questions or suggestions. The SEO is a personal research tool (PRT) only. More videos are on my website and on my YouTube channel synapse358
My interest in the mind/body connection and the unusual reports from thousands of people after live demonstrations has prompted me to call myself the ‘Quantum Pharmacist®’. For over 20 years I have observed effects that are usually dismissed, ridiculed and ignored as the placebo effect. I am referring to positive results that are rarely seen using standard medical protocols, yet people routinely report long-term results within 30-60 seconds on a large variety of conditions. There is some underlying process that defies explanation and plausibility when applying present medical science. So, it must be the placebo effect!
The same procedure is applied on most areas of the body and on multiple conditions, and delivers a similar outcome of helping to restore normal tissue dynamics and function. The results again, are so fast that there must be something happening that is not confined to ‘normal’ biochemical reactions as medical science would assume. And, these are lasting, measurable physiological results that do not fit the typical understanding of what the placebo effect is. I have mentioned in other blogs, the ‘Syntropy Zone’, that is the sweet spot of the placebo effect. An active place of quantum influence, information and energy exchange that I call the Syntropy Effect’. This interaction quickly leads to physiological changes and is what I believe also makes life possible.
The Quantum Pharmacist® ~ Rick Olson
The emerging field of Quantum Biology is the synthesis of quantum physics and biology. Most of the research is not well known, is underfunded and meaningful applications can take decades. Being a pharmacist that no longer sells prescription drugs it only made sense to be more accurate in describing what I do. Therefore, I am creating the title QUANTUM PHARMACIST®. It will probably generate some ridicule and scorn. I would suggest to those that regularly engage in that type of behavior to throw away your computers, cell phone, electronic devices and never travel by airplane. Might as well sell your car too. Riding a bike is great exercise. ‘Out of the box’ thinking is what helped create these great inventions. “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored”… Aldous Huxley.
Breakthroughs and new understandings in science require rigorous studies to detect and define what is happening. I remember in pharmacy school that I often wrote “MOA unknown” when taking notes about various drugs or biochemistry. ‘Mechanism Of Action Unknown’. A considerable part of the placebo effect fits into this description, but due to effects that are implausible it is easier to disregard them and claim placebo. The word placebo is overused and the interpretation far to broad and non-specific. Logic and evidence usually co-exist, are mutually supportive and are treated as a single concept. Without them science isn’t science. But without some imagination and intuition science does not progress and grow.
Entanglement and superposition are processes of quantum biology that allows the micro world of the invisible to have an effect in the macro world of biological systems. This is completely inexplicable in classical physics. It is believed there may be quantum coherence within the conditions of the physiological environment. These effects are found in the photosynthetic light harvesting in plants, navigation of birds using a quantum compass, olfactory (smell) mechanisms and in quantum tunneling of enzymes. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions so that processes that would otherwise take thousands of years proceed in seconds inside living cells. Chemical reactions are accelerated by enormous factors, often more than a trillion fold. A kind of quantum teleportation takes place.
A phrase made popular by Carl Sagan was “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. Sometimes there is a disconnect between logic and evidence. I believe I have evidence that can be scientifically verified that logic finds implausible. Evidence is factual and measurable and carries more weight than ‘logic’ which can waver with human interpretation and bias.
The placebo effect is huge and looming over the gorilla in the room, like this Placebosaurus
Orch OR is a hypothesis developed in the early 1990s by physicist Roger Penrose and an anesthesiologist Dr. Hameroff. It stands for ‘Orchestrated Objective Reduction’. The mechanism is a quantum physics process called objective reduction that is orchestrated by molecular structures called microtubules. These are structures that may be suitable for quantum processing. Some of the functions include helping cells maintain their shape forming a cytoskeleton, transporting cellular material and coordinating cellular division. Orch OR also proposes that quantum computations in brain microtubules account for consciousness. It suggests there is a connection between the biomolecular processes of the brain and the basic structure of the universe.
I propose that the microtubules present in cells throughout the body, as well as the brain and neurological structures are highly active in what I coined the Syntropy Zone and may be the primary structures accountable for the dramatic changes within 30-60 seconds that I can consistently demonstrate. I am not aware of any methodology that utilizes simple procedures that produce outcomes that can be easily measured and verify quantum effects in a biological system.