Play sound directly over the affected area, or in a room for an overall effect. People have reported positive results within minutes. For inflammatory conditions of any pain, arthritis, back/neck symptoms, fibromyalgia trigger points etc. simply direct the sound over the area. For autoimmune problems play over the affected area and the lower back. For scar tissue and adhesions from surgery/trauma play over the area as well. The sound pressure waves direct a vast array of vibrational information and chaos to help restore balance. Biochemical transformations are based on subtle electrical changes. These sounds are created using a large combination of crushed crystals and other natural ingredients. The sounds are created using pressure and release, crystal catalysts, geometries of movement, water, breath dynamics and other variables. This is a part of a research project to optimize quantum access to enhance healing. Unique processes are used to offer energy and information that the body can decipher and use. The human body is a quantum machine that requires very specific electro-static dynamics in its finer structures. The healing process relies on vibrational and electrical information. The materials creating the sounds are from the SEO- Syntropy Effect Optimizer.
The Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of materials to generate an electric charge as mechanical stress is applied. These materials include crystals, ceramics, biological structures of bone, DNA and various proteins. The finer structures and fluids of the body are immersed in crystalline gels and polymers designed to ‘capture’ and transform chaos energy into vibrational information for life and healing. Sequences of spiraling pressures are exerted directly on the SEO materials. The idea is to use pressure and forces to intensely distort the crystal complexes to emit a multitude of frequencies and shapes to optimize information access. Moving water and a large crystal bowl are used as well. Phi (Fibonacci geometry) fractals which life conforms to, are also utilized.
Shake the SEO device (see website) for a piezoelectric effect to further activate the crystal powders. The collisions of the particles cause a ‘bending and rebound’ that creates an electrical effect to further activate the crystals. The physical use of the SEO is stronger than the sound, but people consistently report very positive results when experimenting with it. Tingling and warmth often occur. If using a smart phone it is best to play the sound using speaker phone mode. Do not play while driving. People report positive results within minutes. This is for personal research only. No medical claims are made.
See www.syntropyzone.com